
Our greatest attribute is delivering quality and value to consumers. Through cost savings and technological advancements in the factory-building process, the manufactured housing industry can produce homes for 10 to 35 percent less than the cost of comparable site-built construction. The affordability of manufactured housing can be attributed directly to the efficiencies emanating from the factory-building process. The controlled environment and assembly-line techniques remove many of the challenges encountered during traditional home construction. There is no danger of damage to our homes from weather or vandalism. And no lost construction days due to weather. Construction of manufactured homes is cost effective due to economy of scale – the same materials used in site-built homes but less expensive due to quantity purchasing. Builders today routinely use prefabricated wall panels, pre-hung doors, windows, pre-assembled stairs, roof trusses and cabinets. The Manufactured Housing Industry has perfected factory production to incorporate all aspects of home building realizing greater savings to pass on to consumers.

Manufactured housing is the most significant form of unsubsidized housing in this country for low-income households and working families. As a result, approximately 8% of the United States population – more than twenty-four million people – live in manufactured homes. In some states, the percentage is almost 20%. There are 34,722 manufactured homes in New Jersey.